If Google's successes can be attributed to these principles, then they have to be worth modelling your own startup or enterprise around
- Ideas come from everywhere - it's not about frameworks and enforced ideation
- Share everything you can - don't be territorial and give credit for ideas
- You're brilliant, we're hiring - when you meet someone exceptional, fit them in even if you don't actually have a role
- A license to pursue dreams - make space for your people to explore tangential ideas
- Innovation, not instant perfection - start rough, learn and iterate
- Data is apolitical - be specific with measurement and data and make decisions based on it
- Creativity loves constraints - fixing at least a few parameters helps people start thinking out of the box
- It's users, not money - if you can successfully engage users, you can monetise them
- Don't kill projects, morph them - figure out how to repackage and rejuvenate struggling projects rather than waste invested ideas, time and money by shutting them down completely
Watch and listen to Google's Marissa Mayer on the 9 Principles: